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Aspire Air Monthly Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Spherical Contact Lenses (6 lenses)

Aspire Air Monthly Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Spherical Contact Lenses (6 lenses)

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Regular price Rs. 1,756.00
Regular price Rs. 2,195.00 Sale price Rs. 1,756.00
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Aspire Air Monthly Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses provide superior comfort and breathability for clear, healthy vision. Made from advanced silicone hydrogel material, these lenses ensure high oxygen flow to the eyes, reducing dryness and irritation. Designed for monthly replacement, this 6-lens box offers a convenient and reliable solution for vision correction.

Material: Fanfilcon A

Modality: Monthly Disposable

Water Content (%): 55

Center thickness: 0.08mm

Base curve: 8.4

Diameter: 14.2 mm

Lens correction type: Spherical

Power range: 













Packaging: 6 lenses

Estimated Delivery time: 2-4 days

Care Instructions

Are you a new contact lens user? Even if you are already a user, there are some things that needs to be known. 

Many people discourage wearing contacts, because they might have heard cases of contact lens usage turning into havoc, which is caused due to, not taking proper measures to maintain them. Even if you are ordering contacts online and if it is your first time for them, it is always recommended to visit an eye care practitioner for proper guidance. 

But here we have tried to save your cost and time, that you would have spent going to a practitioner, but still there are limitations. Any complications, you definitely have to visit them. 

You can know about different types of contact lenses by clicking on this link. 

Since, contact lens is a thing that comes directly in contact with the most exposed organ of your body, those are your eyes, they need to be taken care of, at most. They have to be very clean without any unsuitable micro-organisms or foreign body sticking to them.

The very first thing to do before handling lenses, is to wash your hands properly with soap and wiping them off dry. Make sure your nails are cut, so that you don't damage the lenses. Even by mistake if you damage them and wear, it may lead to serious clinical issue.

Use only suitable contact lens disinfecting solution to store and clean/rinse your lenses or as per recommended by your practitioner. Daily disposable lenses do not need maintenance, as you wear and dispose them off, after every usage. 

As the usability of the lens is more (Usability in the sense, weather they are weekly, monthly or yearly), they need to be rinsed for longer and more often as the proteins or waste deposits on the lenses, as the same ones are regularly used and for longer periods. These deposits cause foreign body sensation when you have them on.    

If they fall while wearing, do not simply wipe them of with any cloth. Rinse them off with the solution and wear them. 

Contain them in a clean contact lens case along with solution. It is important to clean the containing case and change the solution in it every often, daily may not be possible, but atleast once in 2-3 days.

If not using them for a long time, say a week or more, make sure the solution hasn't dried up. If it has dried, you can't use those contacts. Discard them. 

Discard them after they have been used according to their usability. Don't wear expired contact lenses. 

If you have redness/irritation/itching sensation it may be an allergy, stop wearing them and get a consultation from your practitioner. You can start wearing them again once your eyes are back to normal, as recommended by your practitioner. 

Do not overuse them then recommended time, if they are advised to be worn for 12 hours, just wear them accordingly. If you want to wear them longer, consult your practitioner.  

Wear protective glasses/sunglasses when you are out in dusty area or while driving two wheeler. 

Contact lenses are for personal use, it should be only used by the same person. 


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